The Chamber Daily

Chamber Event Focuses on Green Technology

The impact and future of “Green Technology” will be discussed, as the Birmingham Bloomfield Chamber hosts its next Investepreneur Roundtable in an effort to help keep you informed. This event will offer attendees important insight and business expansion opportunities in the emerging markets of renewable energy, electric vehicles and sustainable green development.

Featured panel speakers include Mitchell Mondry, president, M Group; Michael T. Kulka, P.E., vice president and principal engineer, PM Environmental Inc.; and Mark J. Bennett, senior counsel, Miller Canfield, Climate Change Practice. Local investors, business entrepreneurs and global climate change champions are welcome to attend to share imminent opportunities, as we continue cultivating our local economy.

The Investepreneur Roundtable: Green Technology is sponsored by Miller Canfield and will be held 4-6 p.m. Tuesday, March 16, at The Townsend Hotel. Cost is $65 members, $85 nonmembers prior to march 15; after, $75 members, $95 nonmembers. Call (248) 644-1700 or visit to register.

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