The Chamber Daily

Presenting with Power and Style

It has been said many times that a person’s greatest fear is public speaking, and the second is death. So does this mean to you that “basically we would rather be the one in the casket instead of the one giving the eulogy?” While the fear for many is undeniable, the reality is that every business is a “relationship business”, and we all need to know how to present ourselves and our company in order to succeed.

Every time you encounter another person, you give a presentation. Regardless of whether you are conducting a large group presentation or meeting one on one at a networking event, your ability to present with confidence, style, and enthusiasm will leave a lasting impression.

The keys to giving a strong presentation are simple; but that does not mean they are easy. Becoming a proficient speaker takes practice, practice, and more practice. You must see every encounter you have as a chance to improve, and hone the skills needed for success.

There are many techniques and tools for making your message memorable; here are some of the basics.

Objective: Why am I delivering this message? What do I want this person or group to be able to do when we conclude?

Audience: Who are they and what do they know already? How will I engage them?

Self: How do I appear to others during a presentation? How do I sound, move, and articulate the message?

Content: Do I truly know it, and more importantly can I discuss it “off script.”

Flare: What visuals go with your message? How will you keep the audience entertained, interactive, and interested?

For more real-world tips on Presenting with Style please contact Nancy Beausoleil, president, Soleil Learning at 248.417.8330 or visit our website at

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