The Chamber Daily

Presenting with Power and Style

It has been said many times that a person’s greatest fear is public speaking, and the second is death. So does this mean to you that “basically we would rather…

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Achieving your Personal and Professional Goals

In the world of Success, there are two schools of thought:In this corner is the Work Smarters. They are constantly on the look out for tips and tricks to shave…

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Linkedin to Profitability in Seven Steps

The law of Visibility+Credibility=Profitability (V+C=P) was first introduced by Dr. Ivan Misner from BNI and has proven to be true for offline networkers. You become visible by doing things like…

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Plan for the Short-Term to Stay on Top of Changing Market Conditions

For those of us operating our organizations on the calendar year – it’s once again time to prepare and plan for the year ahead. Given the current economic climate and…

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